The company was established by the owner Heinz Heiringhoff under the name IHH Group in 1998. During the coming years 6 companies were developed under this company association, all with the well-chosen name Automotive Quality Service.
"All from one hand“ or "services that complement each other under the same roof“.
The range of services of AQS begins from the planning of the manufacturing processes and ends with the quality control before the delivery of the new vehicle. These consciously harmonized activities (quality assurance | engineering) cover all the problems emerging in different areas during the manufacturing processes.
The basis of our work is that our customers can easily access us. All of our sites are strategically selected in order to be able to quickly accept and wind up orders in direct proximity, within the shortest response time possible.
The optimal chance to solve problems worldwide quickly, effectively and in a target-oriented way has been achieved through the number of our sites, the communicative information networks of our internal business partners, as well as through our colleagues having long years of experience and speaking foreign languages.
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